Ultime notizie

9 risposte a “Ultime notizie”

  1. Ho incrociato Barbara alla Mausolea nel pieno di un attacco “violento” di lombosciatalgia.In più per combattere l’edema ai piedi ed alle gambe portavo calze elastiche. Insomma ero da buttare via. Invece i suoi massaggi alla schiena mi hanno riportato in posizione eretta ed i suoi linfodrenaggi mi consentono di fare senza le calze. In un paio di settimane

    1. Grazie Sergio per me un grandissimo piacere averti incontrato e ancora continuare la nostra avventura, ma sopratutto grazie della fiducia e costanza essenziale per la riuscita delle terapie

  2. I stayed at Casa Ombuto in Poppi, Italy. Barbara gave me one of the best massages I have ever experienced. I LOVED it! She is wonderful and I highly recommend her.


  3. Today I had the most amazing 1 hour massage I have ever received .
    Barbra was not only a brilliant masseuse but her knowledge of musculature and deep tissue is above and beyond top notch.
    I had suffered a hamstring injury and so Barbara performed a technique that gave much relief and I felt so much more encouraged .
    I had more spinal alignment and absolute relief of all tension within the hour .
    I was simply amazed and blown away by her depth of knowledge and expertise.
    Torre Del Tartufo is so lucky to have Barbra on staff as their massage therapist as she is beyond incredible.

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